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Career College Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy

as per Bill 132 as Amended– January 12, 2023

This Policy applies to all career college students of Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics.

This Policy applies to complaints of sexual violence that have occurred on the Campus of Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics or at a one of our events and involve our students. Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will implement this sexual violence policy in accordance with the regulation under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.

All of Gina’s College students have a right to study in an environment free of sexual violence.
This document sets out our policy on sexual violence involving our students, defines the prohibited behaviours, and outlines our investigative processes for sexual violence. This Policy is mentioned in our Enrollment Contract and every student is required to acknowledge that they have received a copy. Furthermore, Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will post this policy in a conspicuous location for all students to review in every one of our campuses.

Policy Objectives
Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics is committed to providing our students with an educational environment free from sexual violence and treating those students who report incidents of sexual violence with dignity and respect.

To that end Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will provide a copy of the policy to our students, and educate them together with our career college management, employees and contractors about this Policy and how to identify situations that involve, or could progress into sexual violence against our students and how to reduce it.  Each campus will consider student input in the form of a private meeting regarding the development of our sexual violence policy and will also speak with students privately every time the policy is reviewed or amended.

Where a complaint has been made, under this Policy, of sexual violence, Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will take all reasonable steps to investigate it, including as follows:

(a) providing on-campus investigation procedures to students for sexual violence complaints;

(b) responding promptly to any complaint and providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation;

(c) assisting students who have experienced sexual violence in obtaining counselling and medical care;

(d) providing students who have experienced sexual violence with appropriate academic and other accommodation; and

(e) providing students who have experienced sexual violence with information about reporting options as set out in Appendix 1.



What is Sexual Violence?
This Policy prohibits sexual violence which means any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.

Reporting and Responding to Sexual Violence
Students, faculty and staff of Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual violence involving our students on our campus or college events by reporting immediately to our Director: Cristina Ramirez,  if our students have been subject to, or they have witnessed or have knowledge of sexual violence involving our students, or have reason to believe that sexual violence has occurred or may occur which involves our students.

If students, in good faith, report an incident of, or make a complaint about, sexual violence, they will not be subject to discipline or sanctions for violations of the career college’s policies relating to drug or alcohol use at the time the alleged sexual violence occurred. Students who disclose their experience of sexual violence through reporting an incident of, making a complaint about, or accessing supports and services for sexual violence, will not be asked irrelevant questions during the investigation process by the career college’s staff or investigators, including irrelevant questions relating to the student’s sexual expression or past sexual history.

To the extent it is possible, Cristina Ramirez will attempt to keep all information disclosed confidential except in those circumstances she believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm, or of harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others on our campus or the broader community are at risk.

Please note that Gina’s College does not require a formal report of an incident of sexual violence for students to access support, services or accommodations.

Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics recognizes the right of the complainant to determine how her or his complaint will be dealt with. However, in certain circumstances, Gina’s College may be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform police without the complainant’s consent, if it believes the safety of members of its campus or the broader community is at risk.

A complainant seeking accommodation should contact:


Cristina Ramirez


Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics










Investigating Reports of Sexual Violence
A complaint of sexual violence may be filed under this Policy, by any student of our career college, to Cristina Ramirez in writing. A complainant may ask another person to be present during the investigation.

Upon a complaint of alleged sexual violence being made Cristina Ramirez will initiate an investigation, including as follows:

(a) determining whether the incident should be referred immediately to police;

(b) determining what interim measures, if any, need to be taken during the investigation;

(c) meeting with the complainant to determine the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred;

(d) interviewing the complainant, any person involved in the incident and any identified witnesses;

(e) interviewing any other person who may have knowledge of incidents related to the complaint or any other similar incidents;

(f) informing the respondent of the complaint, providing details of the allegations and giving the respondent an opportunity to respond to those allegations;

(g) providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation; and

(h) determining what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken.

Disciplinary Measures
If it is determined by Gina’s College that a student of our career college has been involved in sexual violence, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student. Specifically, sexual misconduct towards a student will be deemed to be just cause for dismissal and Gina’s College will be prevented from rehiring an employee found to have committed sexual misconduct towards a student.

In cases where criminal proceedings are initiated, Gina’s College will assist police agencies, lawyers, insurance companies, and courts to the fullest extent.

Where criminal and/or civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual violence Gina’s College may conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its own policies and procedures.

Making False Statements
It is a violation of this Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate this Policy are subject to disciplinary and / or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment of instructors or staff or expulsion of a student.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

It is a violation of this Policy to use a non-disclosure agreement in situations where a student brings forward an allegation of sexual misconduct by an employee, unless the non-disclosure agreement is requested by the student.

It is a violation of this Policy to retaliate or threaten to retaliate against a complainant who has brought forward a complaint of sexual violence, provided information related to a complaint, or otherwise been involved in the complaint investigation process.


This policy will be reviewed at least once every 3 years after it is first implemented. Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics will also make available training on its sexual violence policy to owners, managers, staff as well as students at the beginning of each New Year.

Collection of Student Data
Gina’s College of Advanced Aesthetics shall collect and be prepared to provide upon request by the Superintendent of Ontario Career Colleges such data and information as required according to Subsections 32. 3 (8), (9) and (10) of Schedule 5 of the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005 as amended.

Gina’s College will provide information to the Superintendent concerning:

Gina’s College ensures that the information it provides to the Superintendent does not include personal information within the meaning of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will conduct a survey of our students relating to sexual violence as directed by the Superintendent. Results of the survey will be disclosed to the Superintendent.


Appendix 1 lists provincial rape crisis centres which could be provided as resources.

Appendix 1
Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
#SAFE (#7233) on Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile
TTY: 416-364-8762

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre: Multicultural Women Against Rape Crisis
416-597-8808    Office: 416-597-1171
crisis@trccmwar.ca     www.trccmwar.ca

Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region Crisis: 519.741.8633
Office: 519.571.0121
info@sascwr.org     www.kwsasc.org

Sexual Assault Support Centre Crisis: 613-234-2266
Phone:  613-725-2160     TTY:  613-725-1657

Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre Crisis: 613-562-2333
Office: 613-562-2334